Contemporary multimedium artist EXS seeks to change the narrative of emotionality, meaning, and participation in the art and music experience. With an eclectic music background floating between various genres to curate a vibe, evoking love, loss, joy, and happenings in the great in betweens. Painting has been an outlet for expression for EXS, but has taken a position alongside music most recently as an extension of said evocation. In music bleeding through various genres has lent a hand incorporating a multi media on canvas practice including acrylic, charcoal, spray paint, and oil/chalk pastels. Themes dominating EXS' work propel listeners and viewers into an unforgiving world engulfed by love. Much like the Yin and Yang philosophy, you have a duality in this world that lends to darkness and light as love is all things. He understands his art to be the purest form of himself and finds balance in premeditated as well as improvisational design/creation. Enticing the beholder of his art to dig deeper than face value, to look beyond the event horizon into the great unknown. EXS feels all art is a collaborative process between creator and the observer of the creation, a delicate contract of experience and elevation.